About the KAC
The Kamloops Arts Council (KAC) is a registered charitable organization that is devoted to the development and enhancement of the arts in the Kamloops area. Now in our 50th year (founded 1968), we support all artists and art organizations and promote cooperation among them, government and business. We provide local artists and arts groups – visual artists, musicians, dancers, writers and actors – with opportunities for exposure, networking and professional development.
As part of our mandate, the KAC takes the arts out to the community – producing high-quality, year-round low- and no-cost arts programs, performances, workshops and events for all. We believe the arts are for everyone, and that they have the power to heal, transform, connect, and develop skills in children, youth, adults and seniors, including those in crisis. Art changes lives.
Our Staff
Our Board
Strat Plan
View our 50th anniversary documentary – in partnership with Connections: the Art of Storytelling & ShawTV Kamloops
The Kamloops Arts Council was first founded as the Community Arts Council of Kamloops in 1968 and incorporated in 1970 by community-minded volunteers to promote all art disciplines. The Arts Council was established to provide support and opportunities for individual artists to develop and showcase their talents.
The Kamloops Arts Council has always been, and will continue to be, open, inclusive and welcoming of all artistic styles. We respect, encourage and support artists in all art forms and of all levels of experience. It is not our intent to dictate any particular set of artistic standards or values – those are for the artist to decide.
KAC membership consists of individual members, group members and honorary members and includes amateur and professional artists, arts organizations, philanthropists and arts admirers. Presently, the organization has more than 550 members, 9 Board directors, three full-time staff, two part-time contractors, and a seasonal theatre troupe. We employ local artists whenever possible.
Core funding is received from the provincial government through the BC Arts Council and from the City of Kamloops. The Kamloops Arts Council collects memberships, receives both unsolicited and solicited donations, and continually seeks funding for its various programs and events.
The Kamloops Arts Council is community-based and grassroots. The organization has always been, and will continue to be, a vital agency representing community artists while responding to their direct needs. Our purpose is to build a stronger cultural environment in which the arts, in all its forms, can develop, thrive and flourish.
The Kamloops Arts Council is a not-for-profit (registered charitable organization #89310-4174-RR0001). Tax receipts can be provided for donations $25 and up.