“sel·couth: smoke & shadow” by Shay Paul in the KAC Vault Gallery

22 November 2023 10:00 am

“sel·couth: smoke & shadow” by Shay Paul in the KAC Vault Gallery

sel·couth (adj.): unusual, unfamiliar, yet extraordinary. A journey to the fantastical.

Saturday November 4th, to Wednesday November 22nd, 2023

Mediums: Inkwork, pencil/graphite, acrylic, digital, textile

Artist Reception: November 4th from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Artist Statement: 

The bodies of work in this exhibition are an example of my essence of passion and the type of art that fills me with the most enjoyment. Heavy-laden inkwork gives way to striking details and bold movements, filled with a sense of high fantasy. My art, while sometimes deemed “unsettling” or “unusual”, is my method of expression and where I find ways to experiment with movement, colour, and symbolism.

As an Indigenous artist, I’ve faced many confused people who see my art for the first time and say “I thought you said you were an Indigenous artist” as if my interest in high fantasy negates my standing as Indigenous. My art does not always fit into the preconceived expectations and subject matter that is tied to indigeneity, but that does not mean that I am not an Indigenous artist. My fantastical work is not the ‘norm’, and its presence in public attracts odd comments and observations about my pieces being ‘weird’ or ‘strange’ simply because my subject matter is unusual to the standards set by society’s artistic expectations.

Artist Biography: 

Shay Paul is a 23-year-old Secwepemc multi-media artist who specializes in fantastical inkwork and digital designs. Her passion and interest are riddled in fantasy and historical media, and these patterns are shown often in her work. Shay enjoys experimenting with different mediums and techniques, but the pieces in this exhibition are a true example of her enjoyment. Poetic poses and symbolisms are heavy-handed in richly detailed work, which will surely guide your eyes to wander.

Her show will be exhibited in the KAC Vault Gallery from November 4th to November 22nd, 2023.

View her upcoming show in our online gallery here!