“W.I.P. (Work In Progress)” by TRU’s 2025 BFA Candidates in the KAC Main, Vault & Hallway Galleries

11 February 2025 10:00 am

“W.I.P. (Work In Progress)” by TRU’s 2025 BFA Candidates in the KAC Main, Vault & Hallway Galleries

W.I.P. displays works-in-progress by TRU’s 2025 BFA Candidates. This exhibition seeks to show what happens behind the creation of a work of art, from the first ideas drawn down in a sketchbook to the compositional studies and plans that will eventually lead to a finished piece. The students invite you to view this exhibition now and later attend their BFA graduating exhibition on the TRU campus in the TRU Art Gallery and VISA wing of Old Main in April 2025, to see how the work evolves!

Friday, January 10th to Tuesday, February 11th, 2025

Mediums: Paintings, Drawings, Animations, Prints, Sculptures

Students Participating: Holly Bartels, Dylan Bellamy, Dieddo, Nicole Favron, Shannae Jaccard, Kelsi Mott, NapColours, Augusta Nwuke, Raluchukwu Ojah, Shayla Povoas, Olivia Roberts, Avery Stainton, Gehang Tu, Zijian Zhan

Gallery Statement:

Progress is a process. This exhibition seeks to show what happens behind the creation of a work of art, from the first ideas drawn down in a sketchbook to the compositional studies and plans that will eventually lead to a finished piece.

Everything presented here reflects the effort, decisions, and doubts that are part of the path to a final project. W.I.P. is a taste of the work that fourth-year students of the TRU Bachelor of Fine Arts program have developed during the semester towards their final exhibition in April 2025 that will inhabit the heart of TRU’s Old Main: the Art faculty. It is an opportunity to share, with honesty, the intermediate stages that are often left out of the public eye, but that are essential to understanding the artistic process. Each work in this exhibition is a celebration of the constant effort and personal exploration of these talented artists. Each work and each artist speaks of their own narrative and aesthetic.

There is no pretense of perfection here, but rather an invitation to see art as what it is: a process. With this exhibition, we want to reflect on what it means to move forward. Progress is not always linear, it is not always fast, but it is always significant. This space celebrates the effort behind each work and recognizes the value of the unfinished stages, those that remind us that art, like everything in life, is constantly under development.


The show will be exhibited in the Main, Vault, & Hallway Galleries from January 10th to February 11th, 2025