“Where did you get that idea?” by Scholars Without Institutions in All KAC Galleries

28 October 2023 10:00 am

“Where did you get that idea?” by Scholars Without Institutions in All KAC Galleries

“Scholars without Institutions” making art is research for artists; engaging with research informs our art.

Thursday October 5th, to Saturday October 28th, 2023

Mediums: Painting, Photography, Printmaking

Artist Reception: October 6th from 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Artist Talk: October 19th from 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm, Upstairs Courtroom

Artist Statement: 

“Where Did You Get That Idea? – Six Artists on their way to an Exhibition”

Documenting an artist’s journey in developing a body of work has its own peculiar fascination. For the artist, it records the pursuit of a vision—wrestling with material issues of form, scale, medium, and style while resolving technical limitations to achieve the final work. For the viewer, such documentation may help answer questions about how a work came into existence: the relationship between imagination and fabrication—from random scraps of information or images that waken curiosity and become the germ of an idea which evolves into a developed concept for an artwork. Six unique paths on this journey are revealed by the six artist-scholars of ScholarsWithoutInstitutions: fragments of information or images that burst into creative flame, led to preliminary sketches, and ultimately developed artworks. While each artist began this journey from shared inquiry into the idea of place, the resulting processes and outcomes reflect six highly individual creative paths.

Artist Biography:

Artists Names: Susan Miller, Elizabeth Sigalet, Carol Schlosar, Lyn Richards, Maureen Light, and Linda Franklin

We are six visual artists who chose to step off the conventional path of advanced art education and create an alternative learning program in which we choose our own teachers and topics of study. In our first year, we invited eight educators and advocates who are passionate leaders in their own areas of expertise to explore issues of place through their own professional lenses of philosophy, botany, cultural geography, spirituality, civic life and environmental advocacy. We responded with artwork that engaged with the ideas presented in their lectures, readings and discussions. In our second year we have continued to consider the questions, “How are we shaped by place? How do we as artists shape our place?” while collaborating in the ongoing development of our learning platform and the development of our individual professional art practice, including the production of one or more bodies of work for exhibition.

Their show will be exhibited in all KAC Galleries from October 5th to October 28th, 2023.

View their upcoming show in our online gallery here!