Throughout the year the Kamloops Arts Council profiles a different member or donor, so that you can get to know the diverse and talented community that makes up the KAC. This month we feature Jacki Gallagher.
How long have you been involved with the Kamloops Arts Council?
I have been a member of the Kamloops Art Council for 6 years now. It’s always such a great feeling to be a member with so many other wonderful artists!
Why did you get involved?
I got involved because of the excellent opportunities being a council member affords you. I started doing Art In The Park on Canada Day with the KAC in 2011 and have loved every year since.
Tell us about your artwork:
I guess I’m considered a fibre artist but it took a long time for that title to makes sense to me. At first I just sewed things and turned them into objects, with time I realized that it actually was art. Once I started getting commissions from clothing designers and being asked to participate in a book it finally clicked. I make anthropomorphic plush, which I truthfully just call food with faces, as anthropomorphic seems to be such an imposing word. Making food and giving them personalities gives me joy and really having all these things stare back at me after I make it makes me laugh and puts me in such a good mood, being able to share that with others makes it even better.
What are you looking forward to this upcoming year? A special show or project you’re working on?
This year I’m excited to see what new pieces I bring to the mix; I always add at least 3 new things each year. Also I’m excited to see what others want… some of my favorite things I’ve made haven’t started as my idea but as someone else looking to see if I could make what they want.
Why is it important to support the arts?
Creation and being a maker is important. It’s fantastic to let your mind wander and let your hands create things you can only see in your imagination. So much of today is being spent doing things quickly and in the easiest way possible… art gives you time to slow down and just make. Supporting that and nurturing others to do so brings beauty to us all!
What would you say to someone who’s considering becoming a member with the Kamloops Arts Council?
If you love art and/or are an artist yourself joining the KAC can open up new opportunities and link you together with many other local artists!
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