Member of the Month
Chris Davis-Rollans
Full Name: Chris Davis-Rollans
Medium: Acrylic painting
How long have you been doing your art: I first started painting 49 years ago.
What got you originally interested in the art you do: The biggest influence on my artistic life was my twin aunts, who both studied art and design at the Provincial Institute of Technology and Art in Calgary in 1954. As a child, they always had me involved in creative projects, from weaving to beading to leatherwork to pottery. They also mentored me in getting started with oil painting, and later with acrylic painting.
What do you enjoy the most about your art: The freedom of problem-solving and figuring out new things on my own.
What is your favorite joke/quote: “I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.” – Vincent van Gogh
If you could teach everyone one art medium or method, what would it be, why: Drawing, because it is the basis for all art art and design.
What do you think makes art important: It is a form of expression and communication.
Why are you a member of the Kamloops Arts Council: The Kamloops Arts Council provides support and venues in which to display and sell my art.
What are you looking forward to the most in this upcoming year (A special show or project you’re working on): I am doing what I call a “Legacy Project,” wherein I am doing a painting for each of my children and my 10 nieces and nephews. Next on the easel is a 24 x 36″ mountain scene from the Kootenays, near a vacation spot where we have cherished family reunions.
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